Saturday, December 4, 2010

Walking the Walk

I have been off walking instead of posting, living outside instead of in front of the computer, putting a few more miles behind me on Highway 150.  During this time, though, I've had no scale.  So, I am a bit curious to go home sometime this coming week to find out what it says.  

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  I'm still eating turkey, but it's nearly gone.  :-D

An unadorned sunset for you... It really was this color.


  1. I love watching sunsets and sunrises. I would wait to see the green flash on the horizon as the sunset in Hawaii... saw it once. (Only bummer had to walk home in the dark!)

  2. I've seen the green flash! I'm always afraid to look for it, though. Doesn't seem like a great idea to stare into the setting sun.. lol

    I have to admit that I love the beach at night. In the winter, when there are no nesting sea turtles, we are allowed to use flashlights... it's a very surreal experience!
