Friday, October 8, 2010

Ghost of Diets Past

I am still hovering in a fog of fitness blahs. This phase of the journey seems like one of those hideously boring straightaways on the highway when your arms get tired of holding the wheel and your eyes feel gritty from staring at the road. I am tired of measuring and portioning. I am tired of feeling guilty if I don't do some sort of concerted exercise. I miss my pool. Waah waah waah. I sound like a petulant baby, and that's just how I feel. I know that it's time to woman up and get going, but it's easier to say it than do it. 

I am not entirely sure where this feeling originated. I really enjoy being active and healthy. Wallowing on the sofa with a bag of chips (didn't do) or a bowl of ice cream (did do) just isn't the new me. Somehow, I lost the new me in the ghost of the old me. It's time to banish the past and refocus on the future.

Ironically, the new me has not been completely eclipsed by the ghost of diets past. Despite every effort to the contrary, I am actually still losing weight. That makes me laugh. No matter how hard I try to be the old fatty, I can't quite bring myself to disappear into a pit of senseless debauchery. There is hope for me after all.

I am once again back on Highway 150, searching for health and fitness while avoiding temptation at roadside attractions. Thank you for sticking with me on the journey! There are many miles yet to travel, and I'm looking forward to seeing them all disappear in the rear view mirror.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha this is a cute post and it is very inspiring. Glad you are able to banish the Ghost of Diets Past!! :)
